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    ‘Reconnect’ your People and Business

    Is your HR strategy aligned to your business strategy?


    Do you have the right people in the right job, doing the right things at the right time, that supports your business plan and where you want your business to be?


    We help you discover how.


  • What We Do

    We take the headache away for start ups, scaling or changing business with no inhouse HR Expertise who want the right HR leadership support and practical advice to realize the full profit potential of their business.


    We provide expertise in all things HR from managing people, change, driving performance, shaping culture to making a people plan that fits and realigns to your business.


    Contact us today if you want to communicate with your people with more confidence, clarity and less fear, understanding that employment law must be navigated carefully, not all people are the same and remote work is a skill that needs to be managed in today’s new world of blended work.


  • HR Consultancy

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    Align your People

    Your people strategy is your business strategy

    'Competitive advantage is attracting and retaining the right people'

    • Learn what you need to do and why to align your people to your business. Know what you can and can't say, working within the boundaries of the law.
    • Discover how to attract, develop and retain the right people to enable more business success.
    • Walk away with clarity and confidence that your people plan fits your business plan, leverage the Human Resources you have to get the best results. 

    Cost: Price may vary for HR consultancy, depending on client needs.


    Needs may vary from weekly HR mentoring, developing org structures, job design to clarifying the shared vision or people strategy, communicating with your team more effectively, putting in place process, contracts, policies or handbooks, helping with recruitment, retention, providing career and business coaching, to holding difficult performance conversations, handling disciplinaries and grievances or changing how you do performance management.

  • HR Remote Support

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    Build a Remote or Blended Team

    Manage the future success of your business

    'Managers increase their chances of future success, when they develop the skill of remote management.'

    • Learn what you need to do and why to successfully build out a fully remote or blended team to compete for the future.
    • Discover how to recruit for remote skills and attract the right people. Not everyone is suited to remote work.
    • Discover how to manage performance remotely and develop a high performing remote team.
    • Walk away with the confidence and knowledge on how to put remote practices in place and set your team up for success.

    Cost: Contact me today for a quote. Price may vary, depending on client needs. Weekly HR mentoring offered and project based HR support.

  • Who We Are

    'The only way to do great work is to love what you do' - Steve Jobs

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    Maria Treacy

    People Consultant

    With over 18 years professional senior HR experience across various industry, Maria understands business, how it works and the challenges that co-exist with technology, people and process in a remote future. Maria's favorite things to do in the whole world are; enabling passionate people in authentic, tenacious business to grow and excel, daily exercise for her body and soul, and surfing online when she can, typically late at night for quirky fashion items and style inspiration, when the kids are in bed and the laptop is away. 'Different' was probably her first word, and she uses it to describe herself – because what gets her out of bed in the morning is working with people in business who want to be authentic, true to themselves, aligned to their work, doing what they love with the flexibility they need to have more success. She’s on a mission to help them discover how, using self-awareness, strengths-based self-leadership, self-acceptance and having the courage to 'be the change they want to be' in a flexible work revolution - Ghandi


  • Testimonials

    What My Clients Say

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    HR Consultancy

    Kate Hyde, Owner and Managing Director - 'Often I am feeling my way in the dark and so to have this professional guidance is just, well, great to be honest. What fantastic insight Maria gave me in the HR consultancy work she did and conversations we had. I found it amazing she picked up such a lot in the short time we had together. She made some amazing points. It's very clear to me how they will work. And good to know there is a framework (for want of a better word) to make this happen. Thanks so much for this, Maria. Really found it so helpful (and calming)'

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    HR Compliance and Best Practice

    John Clifford, Finance Director - 'Maria helped us update our policies and contracts in a business that is changing and growing. She helped us make sense of the law and put better structure in place. We now have clarity, alignment and more confidence as a management team. She was organised, attentive and always available to help. She gave us a professional and consistently high quality service.'

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    Employment Law Advice

    Vaughan Ryan, Business Owner and Director - 'Thanks Maria for your professionalism. In today's ever complex world of employment law, it's both prudent and necessary to have access to professional and independent HR advice on all your employment matters. As a small retail business in Cork city with 4 employees we know this all too well as we had occasion this year to call on Maria's HR expertise. Her timely advice and professional expertise helped us avoid an expensive employment contract issue. We would highly recommend Maria and MTReconnect.'

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    Strengths-based Leadership Coaching

    Sally Anne Quirke, Owner - 'Maria has a gift. I found her leadership coaching style calming and future focused, I left Maria feeling more confident and clear. She takes you on a journey and enables you to gain clarity and take action around what's right for you and your business. Thank you Maria.'

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    Strengths-based Leadership Development

    Ciarán Deasy, Chief Financial Officer - 'From the very first management development workshop I attended with Maria on how to manage teams with more success, I learned so much. It was brilliant, I couldn't wait for the next one. She is knowledgeable, inspirational and her sessions are practical, thought provoking and refreshing. She is not the atypical HR Manager you might be used to for all the right reasons.'

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    HR Compliance and Best Practice

    Alexander Kozlov - Head of Finance, Legal & Business Development - 'Maria assisted us with various matters of employment law issues in Ireland, including preparation of internal policies, employment contracts taking into account specifics of our business and provision of advice on various matters we faced.


    Maria is an excellent expert with deep expertise in employment law area who provides advice based on the specifics of her client’s business. All the work undertaken by Maria for us was done at high quality standards and extremely promptly that was very important to set up our operations and start proper employment relationships in Ireland within a short period of time. We feel ourselves safe in Maria hands from an Irish employment law perspective.'

  • The Blog

    Nuggets of HR Advice, Trends and Tips

    9 septembre 2019
    Can we avoid it? No. It's happening whether we like it, fear it or not. The research is clear,...
    11 juillet 2019
    Once upon a time, there was a girl with ambition, tenacity and spirit who came from a small...
    Whilst underpinned by science and data, the strengths approach is straightforward. A strength is...
  • Connect With Maria

    Call +353 87 244 0214 for a free confidential consultation

    or email maria@reconnect.ie

    Tel: 087 244 0214
    @mtreconnect HR solutions LinkedIn page
    @mtreconnect HR Solutions Instagram Page
    @mtreconnect HR solutions Facebook page